Statement from White’s Ferry Following 10/16 Public Hearing

STERLING, Va. (October 23, 2023) - To encourage the re-opening of White’s Ferry, ferry owners Chuck and Stacy Kuhn worked closely with Maryland, Virginia, Montgomery, and Loudoun Counties, and previous ferry owner Herb Brown to once again make an offer to purchase the Virginia landing site from Rockland Farm in an effort to get the ferry reopened for its nearly 1,100 daily users. The newest offer is now for $1.25 million for the 1.4 acres, an increase from the last offer in January of $1.1 million. Both offers are well above the land value.

Other options also recently proposed by the Kuhns as ways to get the ferry opened as soon as possible, include:

· Selling the ferry directly to Rockland Farms or to Montgomery County or the state of Maryland.

· Donating the ferry, the ferry business, and the Maryland landing to the county if Rockland Farm would donate the Virginia landing.

It’s unclear whether Rockland Farm owners will accept the new offer, buy the ferry, or consider donating their land as the Kuhns have suggested. Or whether the local jurisdictions will purchase the ferry.

The Kuhns remain committed to getting the ferry open to the local community as quickly as possible and await an answer.


White's Ferry owners increase offer to buy Virginia dock amid ongoing legal battle


Kuhn looks to sell White’s Ferry to Montgomery County as standoff with Rockland Farm continues